Monday, 11 May 2015

Puppy Love

Nothing newsworthy been happening here, which is great in some ways, no drama, but rather boring when you write a blog!
Eden's got her AS 1 level exams over the next few weeks, she's currently on study leave and has been cramming all day.
I've done quite a bit of knitting but unfortunately forgot to take pictures!
Bank Holiday was spent dog walking which was smashing.
So I thought that I'd put up some pictures of the walks and of the new puppy so at least there was something new to look at!
Wareham Forest

Puppy love!

This was Aprils' first walk


  1. Hiya. Lovely dog pics. As levels here as well but no study leave. They have a full timetable and lots of homework which seems unfair and ridiculous x

    1. I read your comment about study leave to Eden and she couldn't believe it. She said she didn't think she'd be able to cope with it! It's bad enough trying to get all the revising done!

  2. Lovely photos of your walk - and how exciting to have a new puppy in the family. That'll be a de-stressing factor for study breaks! Have a good week, J9 x

    1. Mmm, the lovely walks are calming but chasing her round the house when she's nicked something she shouldn't have isn't so much!

  3. Awww look at all those pooches! Good luck in this exam period!

  4. Awww, so cute. Eleanor starts her study leave on Thursday, but they're still running lessons for those who want to go in for them so I really don't see the point of study leave. The conscientious ones will attend and the others, who I'm sure the lessons will be aimed at, won't bother. She had her first exam yesterday and has another today. Daniel's started his uni exams too. Good luck to Eden, I hope her exams go well.

    1. Thanks Jo x I was surprised they got time off at home to revise. Eden's very motivated and is revising but I do know some of her friends are just treating it like a holiday!

  5. Exams for the year just done and dusted here - phew! Lovely that Eden was motivated enough to study, So many kids treat it as one big party.
