Saturday, 25 April 2015


The three oldest children are on various social media sites. I monitor the boys but I tend to leave Eden to herself as she's nearly an adult, she was monitored when she was younger.
I've seen this doing the rounds on Facebook and thought it was hilarious.

Especially when I heard a conversation between Eden and Clark this morning.
Clark has been on twitter for a week and has "followed " Eden.

Eden to Clark....... Why are you on twitter? Could you not reply or favourite my tweets, they're private!

I'm not sure she fully understands how the internet works!!


  1. I seem to spend my life answering emails when I could actually be doing something useful or, even, just calling someone which would take a tenth of the time!

    1. I do use emails to keep in touch with a few friends that have moved away but I'd rather write them a letter and send it!

  2. Little Brother is watching you!

  3. My youngest went through a phase of wanting to have a blog but it had to be private from the rest of us so we weren't allowed to know anything about it.......but the girls know about mine and often contribute photos and say, "Oh, you'll want a photo of that for your blog, won't you?!"

    1. The two eldest did a blog for a while but soon lost interest. I don't think anyone in the house reads mine!

  4. Oh Bridget I love this post. My sons think their dad stalks my daughter on her social media and constantly rib him about it. Does he not think that she will know this and therefore will put something con traversal on there just to get his reaction. He still doesn't know about her tattoo and she's had that over a year.

  5. We use Twitter and Facebook to keep up with our daughter who moved to Japan a year ago.
    We also Skype.

    1. I first starting using Facebook when my daughter went to America on holiday a couple of years ago to keep in touch with her. I did say I wouldn't use Facebook anymore when she got home as it was just to serve a purpose but I got hooked!

  6. Haha. I have them all but barely look at any. I dont keep a diary either though. Only my blog and thats a rarely updated one these days :)

    1. I can get hold of the top three by social media easier than ringing them!
